Combination brows, also known as a hybrid or combo brows, involve a blend of two different methods: nanoblading and shading.

While traditional nanoblading focuses on creating realistic hair-like strokes using a manual handheld tool with a nano size needle and pigment. Shading involves a soft, powdered effect achieved by using a machine to deposit pigment in a more diffused manner, resembling the appearance of filled-in eyebrows.

Combination brows merge these techniques by incorporating both nanoblading and shading. Here's how it typically works:

  • Nanoblading: We create precise hair-like strokes in the front or the body of the eyebrow. These strokes mimic natural hairs, providing definition and a realistic appearance.

  • Shading: Following the nanoblading, the technician applies the shading technique to blend in the rest of the brow area with the natural hair growth. This adds depth, density, and a soft powdered effect, creating a fuller-looking brow. The shading intensity can be adjusted depending on client’s preference.

The combination technique allows for a more defined and structured brow while still maintaining a natural appearance. It's especially useful for individuals with sparse eyebrows or those who desire a more filled-in look without the heaviness of a completely shaded brow.

The decision to opt for combination brows often depends on personal preferences, desired outcomes, and the expertise of the technician.


These brow services are a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure used to enhance eyebrows. It's suitable for many people, but it's essential to consider certain factors:

  • Sparse or Thin Eyebrows: Individuals with naturally sparse or thin eyebrows often benefit from microblading to create a fuller, more defined look.

  • Hair Loss or Alopecia: People experiencing eyebrow hair loss due to conditions like alopecia can opt for microblading to regain a natural-looking eyebrow appearance.

  • Desire for Defined Brows: Those seeking more defined, well-shaped eyebrows or looking to save time on their daily makeup routine might find microblading beneficial.

  • Inactive Scars or Bald Spots: Microblading can also help camouflage inactive scars or fill in bald spots in the eyebrows.

  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations regarding the procedure's results and understand that it's a semi-permanent solution requiring touch-ups.


These services can be suitable for various skin types, but certain factors can affect the procedure's outcome:

  • Normal Skin: Generally, individuals with normal skin types tend to have good results with microblading. The skin typically accepts the pigment well and heals within the expected time frame.

  • Dry Skin: People with dry skin might find that the pigment doesn't hold as well compared to those with oilier skin. Dry skin tends to flake more, which can affect the longevity of the pigment. However, skilled technicians can adapt techniques to work effectively on drier skin types.

  • Oily Skin: Oily skin can pose challenges as the excess oil can cause the pigment to fade faster. Additionally, the strokes might blur or spread more in oily skin. However, we can use different techniques and pigments suited for oily skin to achieve better results.

  • Sensitive Skin: Individuals with sensitive skin may have a higher risk of experiencing discomfort during the procedure and may be more prone to redness or irritation afterward. However, with proper pre-care and aftercare, sensitivity issues can often be managed effectively.

Regardless of skin type, we will assess the skin and make necessary adjustments in technique and aftercare recommendations to ensure the best possible outcome.

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